Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
A UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Junior Program in Lunenburg offers instructional curling for youth ages 10-18. The program focuses on developing skills while participating with a team during game play. It provides physical activity, a chance to meet new friends and learn about the sport of curling.
In Nova Scotia there are many opportunities for our Junior curlers to enter bonspiels throughout the province. Different clubs in the province offer fun spiels like the Lunenburg Youthspiel, hosted by our Program. Information about these events is distributed by the Coordinator of our Junior Program, and can also be found on our Facebook page.
The Junior Program runs from the first week of November until the end of March.
Weekly Schedule
U12 instruction (ages 10, 11, 12) Tuesdays 4:45-6:00pm
U15+ instruction (ages 13+) Wednesdays 5:00-6:30pm
U12/U15 games Saturdays 11am-12pm (optional)